Building an Enterprise Website in 2021

Building An Enterprise Website

Building a large-scale enterprise website is different than simply picking any template, dragging blocks, writing text and placing images. Enterprise website is way more than this. It is a set-up version of not just having a web presence but also serving as your digital marketing hub. Thus, everything should generate from there- capturing leads to converting sales.

In our prolific experience as a professional partner for web development, we have seen common problems on many websites. It includes lack of consistency in the URL structure, design, lack of genuine content, and improper indexing by search engines.

Here, we have compiled the top trends involved in 3-way development of your enterprise website (designing, developing, and marketing) for your reference.

Design Trends

There is always a technical gap between designing a regular website and chalking out for an enterprise website. A regular website needs only stunning visuals or original layouts. Whereas for enterprises, there are some key functionalities of web design that are much more important to consider.

Here you need to focus more on the User Experience (UX) rather than User Interface (UI). UX is more of a technical part of website design that promises responsiveness, seamlessness, and the overall premise of the website. On the other hand, UI comprises tools, elements, and digital interfaces that are associated with the design process.

And if it is not dealt with the right way, the below facts tell us that:

  • More than 20% of IT projects are abandoned and a large part of a programmer’s time is spent redoing work. If proper test processes were implemented upfront, a lot of this wasted time could be prevented.
  • You could be losing out on conversion rates if 1/3rd of your development budget is not utilised on improving usability.

Development Trends

Over the years, Web Development has gained momentum for some complexity. We have more and more ways of writing frontend code. There have been more patterns evolving over time and more alternatives for the present technologies.

This sounds great! But it can lead to many complicated solutions.

Let us concentrate on the actual goal of web development- building great websites with great user experiences. Thus, in this battle of choices, we must keep things simple-

  • Move code to the server-side for the meaningful act
  • Avoid more complex and complicated client-side solutions
  • Optimise overall performance, images on the website, build responsive web pages, and so on.

Marketing Needs

Do you know what includes in this package? Well, a complete set of marketing including multi-channel marketing, brand awareness and brand diversity, make up an effective enterprise marketing strategy.

Dynamic SEO

A dynamic SEO or enterprise SEO involves creating a single template for multiple web pages. It further optimises all contents for search engine crawlers to easily identify and rank your website higher on the SERP.


At this time, it is crucial that companies innovate their Pay Per Click (PPC) campaign to target their audience. A recent survey reveals that 25% of internet users use ad blockers in 2021.  

The best way would be to reconsider your advertising budget to suit more meaningful campaigns, like sponsored content. Younger users are found to respond well to such advertising.

Social Media will become a Marketplace  

With commerce and trading growing around social media, it is expected to catapult in 2021. Retail brands will have to adapt to social platforms with new rules, similar to what it has been done with Amazon and other eCommerce platforms.

Further, to produce themselves as a responsible brand, companies must reduce their social media channels to only the most relevant users. However, managing multiple channels, multiple audiences and multiple content requires marketing automation software systems.

Data-Sharing & Data-Privacy

It is not uncommon that there are concerns related to data sharing and data privacy. In fact, your enterprise, in some way or the other, must be collecting some form of user data for marketing purposes and personal commerce experience.

So, in doing this if brands and retailers continue collecting first-party shopper data, they need to be cautious in functioning them in meaningful ways, assuming what their shoppers want to see next, and understanding where they are in the buying process and when they’ll want to buy.

How Important Is Your Technology Partnership With A Reputed Digital Agency?

When it comes to service, an enterprise web development service involves resources, but are not restricted to, 

  • UI and UX strategies,
  • Database building,
  • Website maintenance,
  • Content management system,
  • Brand assessment, and
  • Analytics configuration.

It is important for your business to cautiously choose a web development agency or your technology partner who is proficient in handling the diverse problems and other important requirements of an enterprise website.

If you are into business and evaluating different vendors, technology partners to help you with framing an enterprise website, you might want to exceed your level of expectations and not just look at them as only a web development service provider, or a design shop but having prolific expertise to effectively implement website projects. One, who is competent in handling complex and more complicated web development projects.

This is because SEO, social media, content management, paid media, and marketing, all of these are closely in connection with the website that if your technology partner lacks expertise in development and maintenance, you may end up having a half-done website. For this, you need to explore your research power and choose a company that has multi-level capacity to handle any big-size enterprise websites.

Also, just as important as it is for an enterprise website to move around content management, there is also the pressing need for branding for more exposure. It is important that these capabilities must be present in a company when looking at enterprise website technology partners. Be sure to discuss your ideal site and other interactive components with your web developer at the initiation of the project so that the team can come up with the right solution and help guide you to the perfect balance of movement. Remember, your business needs the right impetus and strong technological background to thrive well in the marketplace.

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